Briza minor – Little Quaking Grass , Rattlesnake Grass
Ornamental Grass, Briza minor, commonly known as The Lesser Quaking Grass, has blue green leaves and flower heads that hang like scaly little heart shaped lockets that are tinged with pink from late spring to mid-summer. Easily-grown, Briza minor prefers richer soil than most grasses and will tolerate semi shade well. It is very easy to grow to perfection. It is native to the Mediterranean Basin, and it is known elsewhere, including much of South Africa, as an introduced species. It is an annual grass producing narrow clumps of erect stems up to 50 centimeters tall. The inflorescence bears several small cone-shaped spikelets, each hanging on a pedicel. It makes a wonderful cut flower adding elegance and feeling to summer and winter decorations. Other common names include Fairy Bells, Little Fairy Bells, Little Quaking-grass, Quaking Grass, Shivery Grass, Small Quaking Grass, Bewertjies, Bewertjiesgras, Kleinbewertjies, Kleinklokkiesgras, Klokkiesgras and Trilgras.
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