Medusa F1
Medusa is a true F1 hybrid created from pure, inbred cannabis lines. She boasts uniform grow traits, mouthwatering aromas and flavors, and plenty of potency. If you’re looking to bring stable, elongated plants into your room, tent, or garden, look no further
Medusa F1 is a very aromatic cultivar with a vibrant concentration of terpenes bearing notes of fresh mint alongside an upfront peppery kick, backed up by hints of fresh fruit, berries, and tangy fuel. Her thick, frosty flowers consistently produce high levels of THC and CBG, as well as high concentrations of myrcene, ocimene, farnesene, and caryophyllene. As a result, Medusa F1 has strong effects that relax and stone the body from head to toe (brought on by particularly high concentrations of myrcene and farnesene) while motivating the mind with an uplifting, creative, and motivating kick (thanks to high concentrations of ocimene).
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